Klein ISD Education Foundation History
The Klein ISD Education Foundation was created by the KISD Board of Trustees in 2000 while Dr. Donald R. Collins was Superintendent. At that time the Klein ISD Board of Trustees served as board members of the Klein Education Foundation, as they do for the Klein, TX Historical Foundation. In order for the Klein Education Foundation to be most successful Dr. Jim Surratt, who served as Superintendent following Dr. Collins, suggested a consultant specializing in foundation development be hired. This consultant, Dr. Pete Karabatsos, had a track record for establishing productive foundations throughout the mid-west. New Articles of Incorporation and new by-laws allowing for a community board were filed at the advice of Dr. Karabatsos. The Restated Articles of Incorporation and the new by-laws were filed and adopted in 2001. The final 501(c)3 status was achieved in 2001. Dr. Karabatsos advised the district to engage community leaders in the mission of the foundation by encouraging them to take leadership roles in fund-raising and influence on behalf of public education.
Dr. Donald Collins and Mrs. Karen Gayle Smith, Klein’s comptroller, filed the initial documents to create the Foundation. Dr. Liz Johnson, associate superintendent for community relations, working with Dr. Jim Surratt, managed the Foundation during its inaugural year. Under Dr. Pete Karabatsos’ tutelage, Dr. Johnson conducted a Founding Donors Campaign in 2001-2002 and successfully awarded the first grants to Klein ISD teachers. Grants amounting to $75,915 were awarded in the first year!
The directors were appointed with advice from multiple sources including the school principals who identify positive leaders on a regular basis for school support. In addition to school community leaders, the objective was to enlist influential and successful business representatives to support the District through the venue of the Klein ISD Education Foundation. Currently, directors recommend other directors through relationships in the community and networking experiences. Directors serve staggered tenures so that experienced directors are always on the board, and new ones regularly join the group. Many of the directors have been with the Foundation since the group’s inception.
The foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors made up of respected local business, corporate, and community leaders.
What We Do
We empower educators to shape the future! Established in 2000, the Klein ISD Education Foundation is designed to provide direction and support for innovative academic and enrichment projects and staff development activities for the Klein Independent School District.

Who does the Foundation benefit?
Grants to educators are awarded twice a year on a competitive basis for innovative classroom projects. This incentive brings recognition to the educator and benefits the students through exemplary teaching practices.
Individual educators can be awarded grants up to $5,000 and groups of educators on the same campus can be awarded grants up to $7,500 for innovative classroom initiatives that support the mission of the school district.
Multiple campuses may submit a grant for up to $15,000, and principals may submit a campus-based Lead the Spark grant for up to $25,000.